Threefold have been commissioned to design a series of new canopy and pavilion structures throughout the public realm of the Historic Camden Stables Market.
The Stables Market and surrounding area was once occupied by a large series of railway lines which traversed their way through and around the site. The fine historic buildings that remain were stores, workshops and stables buildings to support the railway and now provide a dramatic back drop for the market and help tell the story of Camden’s industrial past. Our design has been inspired by the railway and the historic buildings and looks to create a contemporary take on the industrial vernacular that will sit comfortably within the site.
Conceptually, our proposal ‘reintroduces’ the railway as a linear grid which traverses the site at canopy level. The new pavilions and structures will be built using a lightweight blackened steel structure redolent of the Victorian era industrial language that still exists on site.
The new canopies and pavilions sit within courtyard spaces between existing buildings and also create space on top of existing buildings activating these areas in all seasons and weather conditions.
Due to the historic setting of the site, the proliferation of Grade II and Grade II star listed buildings and the wide range of stakeholders within this large site, we are involved in careful and extensive consultation with both the local authority, the client body and multiple stakeholder groups.