Threefold Architects and Pocket Living have received planning permission for 149 one-bedroom affordable homes in the London Borough of Harrow.
The London Borough of Harrow Planning Committee have given our Sheepcote Road project unanimous support. This scheme for Pocket Living will provide 149 one bedroom affordable homes for Harrow’s first time buyers, regenerating a town centre brownfield site.
The design incorporates enhancements the public realm providing high quality landscaping around the buildings. Rooftop gardens and generous external circulation create a variety shared amenity spaces for the residents to enjoy.
The broken L-shaped massing creates two distinct buildings which step down incrementally from a nine storey principle element addressing the street frontage to five storeys at the rear responding to the scale and form of the surrounding buildings and townscape.
The contrasting tones of brickwork and articulation of the façade are referential of the historic parade buildings characteristic in this part of North West London. A double height entrance lobby is set back from the street beneath a brick colonnade which wraps the corner of the building announcing the entrance and activating the street-scene.
Client: Pocket Living
Type: Housing
Area: 7975sqm
Status: Planning
Location: Harrow